Tech Tutorial Videos
KU IT has partnered with other campus offices to bring you New2KU: Technology for Students. Make sure you know how to use campus technology as classes begin. Start with So Many Systems! which is an overview of student account systems and other technology available on campus. Then, watch the tutorials linked below for instructions on how to use technology at KU.
So Many Systems!
An overview of student account systems and other technology available on campus
Office 365
Includes a specific focus on OneDrive (online storage) and OneNote (digital notebook).
KU uses the Canvas learning management system, although not all instructors choose to use Canvas for their courses.
Zoom video conferencing is used for many remote classes, but can also be used for discussion or study groups and for other virtual meetings.
Microsoft Teams aka Jayhawk Cloud
Microsoft Teams, also known at KU as the Jayhawk Cloud, is a virtual space for building communities, relationships and networks. It can be used for courses, student groups, research collaboration, administration and more.
Enroll & Pay
Enroll & Pay is KU's Student Information System. Enroll online, check your grades, pay tuition, put money on your KU card, and more.
Kaltura aka MediaHub
With Kaltura Classroom (MediaHub) you can schedule automatic recordings of lectures or presentations or create ad hoc recordings.
Jayhawk GPS
Jayhawk GPS is a Student Success Management System designed to establish an online connection between a student and their academic support network, including academic advisors, instructors, and other support staff.
myKU Portal
The myKU portal is a central hub for information and online services at KU.